Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai

Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai


Why Opt for Our Chiang Mai Thai Massage Courses

What Sets Our Thai Massage Training Apart

When undergoing a single course or a complete 4-Week Thai massage training at the Sirichan Clinic & Massage Center of Chiang Mai, you'll find yourself supported beyond the classes. Regardless of your experience, we solidify your foundational knowledge on traditional Thai massage therapy methods, mindset and build on its principles, to ensure your future practice stays authentic and sustainable for as long as possible.

Every class equips you with the correct knowledge and confidence to go onto perform Thai massage techniques anywhere in the world. The person centric approach we take is hands on and theory based, where you'll learn the precise moves, pressure, adaptations, healing process, and wisdom to become a talented Thai masseur.

Like the old saying goes: Learning with Dr. Nooy "is not a holiday camp!" Indeed, although it's a lot of fun, there is also hard work expected from you. We’re a school where both locals and foreigners visit, learn and practice with people as opposed to other learners.

We’re a school that provides experience and wisdom in an environment that offers lifetime memories.

Unspoiled And Credible Courses

Acquire first hand inherited knowledge from a native Northern Thai expert masseuse and licensed doctor, Ajarn Nooy, who is accredited by the Thai Ministry of Health.

You will receive correct knowledge and guidance in hands-on classes on real patients, creating a strong foundation for future practice.

Simple, Efficient and Transformative Teachings

We focus our lessons on modalities and techniques that are essential for an effective massage. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced therapist, with our 4-week training course, you will uncover the essential skills with us and learn how to heal people through:

  • Ancient Thai massage techniques
  • Body scan spotting issues
  • Reviewing the healing process
  • Mixing and mastering various Thai modalities

Other Good Reasons to Choose Us

On top of what we consider high-quality courses, Sirichan Massage School also provides the following:

  • Accreditation and Certification: Sirichan Massage School is authorized to award international certificates recognized by the Ministry of Health.
  • Clinical teaching method - there is no pre-established protocol. Dr Nooy teaches how to scan the body through palpation to create a roadmap of the massage and how to follow the healing process step-by-step. Dr Nooy supervises all students to ensure they follow and undergo the correct practice.
  • Learn from an actual therapist: Sirichan applies only traditional Thai modalities and techniques, making the clinic so successful and unique. Students have the opportunity to learn what she does each and every day to heal people (click to read reviews from patients).
  • Efficiency:Your time is limited, and we take that into account. The Sirichan massage courses are designed to teach effective therapeutic massage techniques with maximum results in a minimum amount of time.
  • No additional cost: All tools and certificates are included in the price. You don't have to pay any extra.