Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai

Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai


Learn With Ancient Teaching Methods

Experience the art of massage through time-honored methods and exceptional standards in Chiang Mai

Learning correct techniques and theory. Therapeutic massage needs to be learned correctly to be efficient. This is the very first step. A wrongly applied technique will have either zero or undesirable effect. On the other hand, when they are applied correctly and with attention, techniques will prove to be highly efficient.

Feeling with accuracy is with no doubt the core element of being a genuine and remarkable massage therapist. However feeling with accuracy is neglected by virtually all massage schools. At the clinic, you will learn to focus the attention, and to become aware of what you are actually feeling. 

You will learn to feel and follow what is happening, alongside the treatment. Eventually you should be able to personalize your treatments to each people and their healing process, which is the key to become a talented and genuine health/massage therapist.

Perfect practice makes it perfect. The ultimate step to mastering any healing art is to practice a lot, simply and correctly.

All is connected. We teach how to apply and mix different techniques to make the treatment effective, on all connected and affected areas of the body, in order to balance and heal different people completely.

Learn correctly to be the best. This is a central aspect of our teaching method. By receiving correct knowledge, we hope that you will know what you are doing and thus become the best massage therapist you can.

In real conditions. This makes the real difference between a massage school and a clinic.

Firstly, students can practice on "real" people, in real conditions. Secondly, schools teach with books. But, in our experience, following the rigid and standardized template of a book quickly reveals to be ineffective. The book becomes the authority and the therapist's creativity is cropped.

On the other hand, the real-life massage practice immediately gives the appropriate experience and self-confidence to go out of the box and actually heal people, not just relaxing them. Here the practice has become the authority. Not the book.

Knowledge and Know-how. Ajarn Nooy has a long experience, deep knowledge and a crystal clear understanding of health and body. You will learn naturally (not following a book or schedule) correct techniques and their practical purposes with proper explanations.

Personal attention. Courses are provided privately or in small group (max. 6 people).

What makes learning Thai massage from a Thai therapist so different?

You need a real understanding of Thai traditional bodywork. A clear understanding of the body is paramount to a quality massage session. 

What do we teach? Nooy believes that only with good basics, you can learn any modality fast, correctly and effectively. 

The basics include some theory, some understanding of the body and mind, feeling, concentration and a lot of practice. These basics start from Day 1 and are infused and reminded to you all along your training at the Clinic.

What more? Along with the basics, she teaches real deep and effective mixed massage techniques as she uses them at the Clinic.

Finally. Her teachings are far more than just learning techniques and movements. Most of our students find them transformative. We hope to see you here soon. 

Widen your experience with certified Thai massage therapists

The Sirichan Clinic & Massage Center, Chiang Mai is not just a massage school where you simply learn massage, practice and leave. Once you start, you realize that you are learning essential principles of Thai healing body therapies, including the following:

  • correct knowledge, 
  • precise moves and pressure,
  • how to become more self-assertive in your practice, 
  • how to use both knowledge and intuition,
  • and how to adapt the massage to the healing process.

The Sirichan Medical Massage School is also the opportunity to learn Thai massage therapy with high Thai clinical standards:

  • unique techniques,
  • long-term healing results, 
  • an attentive mind,
  • a clear understanding, and 
  • a cheerful mood.

We hope that learning with the Sirichan Medical Massage School Chiang Mai will be for you the best opportunity to widen your experience of Thai massage and bodywork therapies.

All you need is right attitude, right practice and right understanding. With these three basic elements, you can learn any technique of massage.