Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai

Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai


Week 3: Fusion of Walking Massage and Deep Tissue Mastery

Unlocking the Power of Walking Massage and Deep Tissue Integration - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

This week can be learned separately from Week 1 and Week 2 of our Thai Massage Training Course.

Massages, you'll learn: Deep tissue and Walking massage

Areas of focus: Back, legs, hips  

Learn one of the primary massages Nooy uses in her treatments, the walking massage. Travel back in time this week, learning ancient Nuad Thai Boran techniques passed down through her family. These intense techniques dive deep into targeting body connections through stretching, massage, and variations, weight balance.

While walking massage is available throughout Thailand, learning the true art of massage in today's times is somewhat rare. The skills you acquire this week from Nooy's teachings will allow you to release chronic areas that are tight on any body type.

At the end of this week, you'll be able to:

  • Know how to avoid fatigue and injuries as a practitioner.
  • Gain more control as a practitioner
  • Take on highly efficient techniques for big or heavy bodies.
  • Learn how to prepare a body with walking massage, before treating all kinds of ailments (lower back, legs, abdominal or other issue.

By the end of this week, you should have deeper expertise in quick releasing tension techniques on different bodies. This week's classes run between 9:00-12:00 pm and 13:00-16:00 for five days.