Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai

Sirichan Thai Massage Learning Centre, Chiang Mai


Meet the Team: Your Thai Massage Instructors

Dr. Nooy: A Thai massage Expert in Chiang Mai

Established in 2014, following generations of inherited traditional Thai massage techniques, Sirichan Massage Center was formed. Stemming from the gentle healing hands of our founder's grandmother, a midwife and a medical herb master, Nooy grew up learning and practicing the tender techniques of Thai bodywork on women in her village.

Adjacent to her skillset, her grandmother passed down the ancestral Thai mindset allowing her to preserve the true practice and knowledge of Thai medicine. This later laid the foundations for her to graduate as a doctor in traditional medicine. She gained her certification from the Faculty of Alternative Medicine in Chiang Mai and Bangkok.

Over the years since her graduation, she's served as a head massage teacher at Chiang Mai Women's prison and the Department of skills development of Chiang Mai (Ministry of Labor). While adapting her treatments to different demands and requirements of the modern world, one thing remained consistent, her dedication to preserving the practice of traditional Thai therapies and quality teachings.

While providing services for many others, she realized the art of authentic Thai massages was diminishing around her. Many foreigners were being taught courses with faulty techniques, improper practices, and a confused mindset that lacked true Thai knowledge.

Hence why she decided to set up Sirchan Massage Center, with the intention of guiding anyone from amateurs to experts in traditional Thai massage and medicine.    

Our Story: Discover Our Thai Massage Journey

When our massage school Sirichan Massage Center in Thailand, opened, we didn’t run it to make money but to preserve the authentic way of healing others using Thai bodywork therapies.

These Thai therapies are traditionally taught and passed down from our ancestors. Unlike some centers showcasing a fusion of Thai massage classes tailored to foreign clients and western culture, ours are untouched and learned directly from our native relatives to Northern Thailand.

Just like many others of Thai descent, our founder was raised by her grandmother, learning everything from her, from food prep and massages to mindset. Her grandmother served multiple roles as a midwife and master of medicinal herbs.

The more she learned she became intrigued about massage culture and medicine, performing them on her grandma every day. On weekends she’d venture out into the jungle with her grandparents to hunt for the right medical herbs.

Passion to Practice

Her passion for healing became second nature to her, and she started practicing her healing skills on women in her village. This later translated into teaching her techniques at Chiang Mai women’s prison and the Department of skills development of Chiang Mai (Ministry of Labor) for 6-8 years.

Alongside this, she’s traveled across Thailand, upskilling her techniques and learning and gathering more information about Thai healing methods to integrate into her practice. She’s even ventured far across Lao, Malaysia, and India, learning about different holistic healing methods. No matter how much she experienced or learned, she realized there was no comparison with the true art of Traditional Thai massage.

The main concern that arose was how much ancient therapies became blurred as a result of blunt standardization and unnatural ways of treatment. Which is why she set up Sirichan Massage Center in Thailand to show her ancestral way of treating people for the modern world using Thai bodywork therapies, herbs, and the right diet, with no adaptations.

Join Nooy (Sirichan), a licensed doctor in traditional Thai medicine and certified master in Thai massage, and transform your life by learning Thai healing arts in person.